
Yelp logo

Mind Reading at Yelp: Anticipating and Guiding the User with Auto-Suggest

Many users find it hard to transform what they are looking for into an appropriate search query. Come join us to learn about the architecture and algorithms behind Yelp's query auto-completion service (suggest!) and how Yelp learns from users past search behavior to help future users crystallize their thoughts into effective queries seamlessly and only in a few milliseconds.

CAE logo

Software Engineering: Shaping the Future of Training

Present CAE and how we use software as a key enabler to fuel our growth in the simulation and training markets.

Kinaxis logo

Unit Testing Challenge

Intelligent unit testing is a critical---but often overlooked---part of software development. Writing effective unit tests is not easy, nor is it a skill you often get a chance to hone. In this workshop, after learning the basics of unit testing, you'll compete against other participants by writing unit tests against a codebase that will mutate right underneath your nose -- will your unit tests catch the bugs? The participant with the best-written unit tests will be awarded bragging rights and an Amazon gift card. Participants should bring their own laptops.

Capital One logo

Agile Software Development Training

Provide learners with a broad understanding of Agile, and a summary of Capital One’s Agile Transformation Journey. You will experience, hands on, advantages of self-organizing, cross-functional teams.

IBM logo

Using Eclipse OMR JitBuilder for increased runtime performance

JIT compilers add significant performance improvements to runtimes but they are very complicated and may take years to develop. The Eclipse OMR JitBulder API takes advantage of the decades of development on the compiler technology provide as part of OMR and provides easy to use constructs to allow any developer the ability to add a JIT to their favorite runtime. During the workshop we will demonstrate how a runtime could consume the Eclipse OMR JitBuilder API to add a JIT compiler to a new runtime. We discuss interpreter basics, JIT basics and help the audience complete a JIT using the JitBuilder API. By the end of the workshop everyone will be hopefully have a working runtime that now has a JIT providing performance improvements.

Ubisoft logo

How to reach photorealism in 16-33 ms (milliseconds)

The video game, film and architectural industries all face the challenge of rendering photorealistic images as fast as possible. Games face the biggest challenge, having to achieve an incredibly high quality bar in only 16-33ms. This requires dealing with a wide range of domains: parallelism, streaming, memory management and physics. In this talk we will present methods to attain this difficult goal, including lighting and modern computer and game console architecture.

Communications Security Establishment logo

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Royal Bank of Canada logo

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!